Sunday, July 15, 2012

Witch Burnings....

I'm pretty sure you guys saw Olivia's post yesterday. ( July 14th, 2012) Let me go more in depth:

Once upon a time, some adult witches went crazier than normal. One of them demanded Sir Kurt to dig a two foot hole in the backyard. The hole was easily accsebile to children and dogs. The hole turned into a fire pit. The Witches told us children to break chairs, We obeyed, in fear. We threw the chairs, sometimes breaking them, sometimes our heads (or my head. Pretty much my head.) .  We decided to do a witch burning. We started up a bonfire with the chairs in the Dying Hole, but the witches used their magic to send of little sparkly sticks in the air! The house nearly burned, the dog (Sir Sausage Jones) whimpered. We ran to safety in the house. The sparks rushed into the sky, exploding with skrieks of the dying goose. The witches settled down, and drank potions of a terrible mixture.

                                              THE END.

What kind of person demands you to throw and break chairs?!?!?!?! Oh yes, in response to a comment by our Grandmother (Hi, Grandma):



Link of the Day: BURN THE WITCH!

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