Saturday, September 28, 2013

Why is it that I can explain Human Biological Metecrisis's but I can't even explain atomic structure properly

Hey guys! I'm slightly happier now. My cousins just came over. Olivia and all her siblings. AND WE'LL NEVER BE ROOYALS! Sorry, I'm listening to that song right now. Guess what else I'm doing! Saving up for a laptop! Any suggestions on what kind i should get. Sorry, I would put a question mark there, but that key is broken.

I was thinking about The Doctor today. (Shut up, I know its not different from any other day in that respect.) But on TUMBLR there's "Dating Tips From The Doctor" and one of the #hashtags was "I can't even handle your flirty ways, doctor." and it was talking about the ninth doctor. It was rather hilarious, mostly because the closest thing I saw to flirting was when he was making a modest big deal out of defeating the jagarafess to Lynda with a Y. Did that count as flirting(question mark) I think it does. "I was here hundred years ago. Nothing to serious, had some problems upstairs. Home in time for tea." Pfft, the only reason you were home in time is because you have the TARDIS.



Revelation. he couldn't go back to dinner time, because if he was fighting the jagarafess at the time of dinner, he was an established part of events. So if he was to go back to dinner, he wouldn't be fighting monsters because he'd be having fish fingers and custard.

Begging your pardon, Doctor.

I just noticed something. The ninth doctor had a bit of sass. Well, I suppose all the Doctors do. So The DOctor is just a sass bucket, cause to be carrying that much sass through out all of wibbly wobbly timey wimey space, you'd have to have a lot. Whoa.

I just thought of something. WHAT IF THE ACTORS FROM DOCTOR WHO READ THIS BLOG. Like they just google their names or something and click on every single link. OHMAHGLERB.  BILLIE PIPER, IS THAT YOU! *hyperventilating*  I need to see if I have any visitors from England.


Oh yeah, Friday was spirit day. I was pretty spiritful. I WORE A TUTU. I never realised how amasing tutus were. (The key is broken.) I mean, they're so poofy!

Anyway, I should probably log off. But I'm gonna leave you with emotional\funny Doctor Who stuff.

  David's face looks kinda scary. Like kind of happy but scared and mad and psychotic at the same time. Like in one of those horror stories that you scream at people in the end. Ya feel me(question mark)

They were. They were like one of those couples where people were like, "Yup. They're stayin together." I mean, Ten and Rose was brilliant as well, but Nine and Rose should have had more time together. *giggles uncontrollably* YAY

This was one of my favorite parts in the entire season. It was freakin amasing.

Oh, Doctor. You have the best date plans.

ALright, for serious, I have to leave.

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