Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Alright, take a look at the title; how many of you disagree? (COMMENT your opinion!) True, the COMIC BOOKS and MOVIES potray him as this evil person who enjoyed sucking people's eyeballs out, but the ACTUAL MYTHOLOGY made him "Loki, The God of Mischief!" He was a sort of harmless god who enjoyed to play pranks. he gave the ice giantess (It was an ice giantess, right? Or was it a gnome? Or an elf? It was a girl.) her laughter back! He played tug of war with a stinkin' goat! True, he also cause many problems, but he fixed them! In the Mythology! Anywho, Loki is awesome. I feel kind of bad for Captain America, (I've never seen the movie or read the comic books, so frogive me if I am wrong.) because imagine this:

The planes going into the icy depths of the ocean, you scream a very heroic and 1940's ish scream, and then everything goes black. 70 years later, you are released from the ice, perfectly preserved and alive. You are informed that your Girlfriend's dead and we won the war.

See what I mean?!?!?!

Quote of the day: "The planes going DOOOOOWWN!!!"
Link of the day:STOP TALKING!!

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