Monday, August 26, 2013
Hi, Superfish fans who don't show it! I just wanted to say:  JIM JAMS!!!!!!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
You're no fun.
COME OOOOOOOOOOOON!!!! LEAVE SOME COMMENTS PLEASE! Or I'll delete the blog. That's right. Grace and I have been thinking it over, and if you guys don't start commenting soon, awesome superfish will be no more. He's depressed. All he does is mope around. Just yesterday, Barnacle Brain actuallly GOT AWAY!!! BARNACLE BRAIN!! He's called Barnacle Brain for a reason!! He's not the sharpest sword fish in the sea if ya know what I mean.
In other words:
In other words:
Oh. My. Ood. (No, that wasn't a typo.)
Hey guys! I'm in a box. With a laptop. AND THE BOX IS A TIME TRAVELING FORT!!! I'm thinking about visiting 2005 in a minute. What do you guys think? I need a companion for this. I'm tired of traveling alone. Ah well. I guess the box only holds one. (Unlike the TARDIS, this box is smaller on the inside.) Anyway. WHere do you guys think I should go?
Okay, I seriously have no reason to post. But I'm going to anyway.
Okay, I seriously have no reason to post. But I'm going to anyway.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
You make me feel like I just am talking to myself. Am I? PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS. YOU MAKE ME CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP. Not really but I'm about to cry right now. You don't want to be the reason I'm crying. I only cry like, once every ten minutes. Just kidding. JUST KIDDING. I AM JUST. KIDDING.
Just to review, I was kidding.
HEY YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SHOULD DO?!?!?! You should leave something in the comments box. Preferably a comment or question. OH IDEA. You should leave a challenge or idea or craft for me and Grace to do. THAT'D BE FANTABULOUS.
This is how happy I'd be if you did that:
No wait, this is how happy I'd be:
Just to review, I was kidding.
HEY YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SHOULD DO?!?!?! You should leave something in the comments box. Preferably a comment or question. OH IDEA. You should leave a challenge or idea or craft for me and Grace to do. THAT'D BE FANTABULOUS.
This is how happy I'd be if you did that:
No wait, this is how happy I'd be:
Fantasy Football!
Hey guys! So I'm at my cousins house and it's the annual fantasy football shindig. My little cousin stole my money, (got it back) I only got three out of six hugs, and my little cousin is reading this as I post. ANywho.
SERIOUSLY?! No new projects?! You guys stink. Did I eat fish dipped in custard for NOTHING!? Nothing at all?! REALLY?!? Okay I'm calm.
Anyway, there's not really anything to post. Good luck to all of you fantasy football players! Gracie, Out.
SERIOUSLY?! No new projects?! You guys stink. Did I eat fish dipped in custard for NOTHING!? Nothing at all?! REALLY?!? Okay I'm calm.
Anyway, there's not really anything to post. Good luck to all of you fantasy football players! Gracie, Out.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
No reason for me to be posting.
Hey guys! No new projects. Any ideas? Any cheap, easy to do at home, ideas?
I am living my dream right now. I'm sleeping backwards, (I put my pillows at the foot of my bed, and am going to use a quilt instead of comforters) have the laptop with me, and HAVE A BOX FORT SITTING NEXT TO ME. All of this, along with some books from the library. There needs to be,
a) a thunderstorm, or
b) snow!
RIGHT now so it gets 10/10 coziness.
I'm probably gonna watch Doctor Who. I love that show. Now my goal in life is to be the Doctor's companion. Not in real life. For the Doctor is in an alternate universe, where there are aliens and time travel and all that jazz. We, my friend, are in a world where nothing happens but religious and political arguments. Anyway, I want to be the actress chosen for the Doctor's companion. That would be more than fantastic. That would be... Allons-riffic. Gerana-tastic. Doc-abulous. The point is, it would be a rainbow of happiness shining down from a bacon covered unicorn with an army of marshmallow chipmunks.
I feel like no one reads the blog. Do I just talk to myself? DID I EAT FISH DIPPED IN PUDDING FOR NOTHING?!?!
Alright, I'm calm.
I need a new dictionary.
Yeah, alright, I'll never say that again.
....... no words.
Okay, fine, no more pictures. I'm gonna go watch Doctor Who now, I'm cracking up.
I am living my dream right now. I'm sleeping backwards, (I put my pillows at the foot of my bed, and am going to use a quilt instead of comforters) have the laptop with me, and HAVE A BOX FORT SITTING NEXT TO ME. All of this, along with some books from the library. There needs to be,
a) a thunderstorm, or
b) snow!
RIGHT now so it gets 10/10 coziness.
I'm probably gonna watch Doctor Who. I love that show. Now my goal in life is to be the Doctor's companion. Not in real life. For the Doctor is in an alternate universe, where there are aliens and time travel and all that jazz. We, my friend, are in a world where nothing happens but religious and political arguments. Anyway, I want to be the actress chosen for the Doctor's companion. That would be more than fantastic. That would be... Allons-riffic. Gerana-tastic. Doc-abulous. The point is, it would be a rainbow of happiness shining down from a bacon covered unicorn with an army of marshmallow chipmunks.
I feel like no one reads the blog. Do I just talk to myself? DID I EAT FISH DIPPED IN PUDDING FOR NOTHING?!?!
Alright, I'm calm.
I need a new dictionary.
Yeah, alright, I'll never say that again.
....... no words.
Okay, fine, no more pictures. I'm gonna go watch Doctor Who now, I'm cracking up.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Fish Fingers and Custard!
Today, I am going to make fish fingers and custard. I'm waiting for the oven preheat. Exxcept, here's the thing. I'm using vaniller pudding instead of custard. (I didn't feel like cooking!) It's sugar free, but delicious. Anywho. My dad saw the fish sticks in the freezer and was very clearly disgusted. "GAH! Make sure I'm not home when we eat those! GERHBGB! I grew up with those, they're DISGUSTING!" (as he stumbles around the kitchen.) "Dad, I'm cooking them for lunch. Not dinner." "OOOH. Okay good. Watch out for the bones." *backs away* "Uuuh, okay."
The fish fingers are now cooking! (I couldn't set the timer correctly for about five minutes. Don't judge me.)
Lnow what else I want? An apple. That's all I can think about. Maybe it's a craving! That's new, I've never had a craving before! I HATE APPLES. APPLES ARE RUBBISH. Give me yogurt, yougurt's my favorite. *spit* I hate yogurt, it's just stff with bits in. Bacon! eew, Bacon. Are you trying to poison me? Beans! Beans are evil. Bad, bad, Beans. Bread and butter. Now we're talking. And stay out! Wait, I know what I need! Fish fingers and custard. : P
And they're cooking right now. It cannot wait, I'M YOOOOOOUUUURS!
"Oh, you beautiful boy!"
"Thanks, I've been experimenting with back-combing! Oh."
"I've never been much of a cat person."
The fish fingers are ready! Cheese and rice, they stink. Alright, lets do this. (I really don't want to do this.)
Why am I doing this?
Here goes...
THAT WAS A REALLY WEIRD FLAVOR COMBO. WHOA. I'm eating the rest separately. It was greasy and salty and sweet and creamy... *shiver* Doctor, how?!
Good day, my lord and lady.
The fish fingers are now cooking! (I couldn't set the timer correctly for about five minutes. Don't judge me.)
Lnow what else I want? An apple. That's all I can think about. Maybe it's a craving! That's new, I've never had a craving before! I HATE APPLES. APPLES ARE RUBBISH. Give me yogurt, yougurt's my favorite. *spit* I hate yogurt, it's just stff with bits in. Bacon! eew, Bacon. Are you trying to poison me? Beans! Beans are evil. Bad, bad, Beans. Bread and butter. Now we're talking. And stay out! Wait, I know what I need! Fish fingers and custard. : P
And they're cooking right now. It cannot wait, I'M YOOOOOOUUUURS!
"Oh, you beautiful boy!"
"Thanks, I've been experimenting with back-combing! Oh."
"I've never been much of a cat person."
The fish fingers are ready! Cheese and rice, they stink. Alright, lets do this. (I really don't want to do this.)
Why am I doing this?
Here goes...
THAT WAS A REALLY WEIRD FLAVOR COMBO. WHOA. I'm eating the rest separately. It was greasy and salty and sweet and creamy... *shiver* Doctor, how?!
Good day, my lord and lady.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
No New Project
SOrry guys, no new project. Yet. Soon, I'm going to try fish fingers dipped in custard.
Oh, what was that Olivia? Doctor Who is... scary? And he'll haunt you in your dreams forever? It'd be a shame if someone were to... fuel this nightmaric fire...
(Always bring a banana to a party, Rose.)
(Bet he ate a pear)
I forgot what I was gonna say. It was something really important. Shshshshs... Oh yeah! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Nope, that wasn't it. Teehee. But I seriously had a reason for writing this. Oh well, who cares.
So I went to my grandfathers birthday party the other day. My little cousin tried to put on a play with my other cousin that I never knew existed. (Should I be suspicious?) But she got stage fright. So instead of telling the ten or so people gathered to watch this play about friendship, they decided to hide in the garden. I went out to find them. "OH, GRACIE, WE'RE SO STAGE FRIGHT, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?!" she wailed tearlessly. I was really tired, and beyond patience at that point. 'Tell them the show's cancelled." said the Grace bluntly. "OH BUT WE CAN'T DO THAT!" they said, looking stricken. I roll my eyes. "Fine, I will." and I did. Anyway, that night, she came over with her little brother (Who put on a little sideshow about what tricks his alligator toy could do while we were waiting for the girls). I told her we were going to work on her dramatic skills. first, I taught her a jazz square. Then, a song. Then she asked me to teach her to get rid of stage fright. This was more of a challenge. I had her perform a monologue as Linus Van Pelt for the family over pizza that night. She still has a little bit of reading trouble, so she stammered a bit, but other than that, it was lovely. I'm so proud. *sob*
Oh yeah, more nightmare fuel...
Oh, what was that Olivia? Doctor Who is... scary? And he'll haunt you in your dreams forever? It'd be a shame if someone were to... fuel this nightmaric fire...
(Always bring a banana to a party, Rose.)
(Bet he ate a pear)
I forgot what I was gonna say. It was something really important. Shshshshs... Oh yeah! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Nope, that wasn't it. Teehee. But I seriously had a reason for writing this. Oh well, who cares.
So I went to my grandfathers birthday party the other day. My little cousin tried to put on a play with my other cousin that I never knew existed. (Should I be suspicious?) But she got stage fright. So instead of telling the ten or so people gathered to watch this play about friendship, they decided to hide in the garden. I went out to find them. "OH, GRACIE, WE'RE SO STAGE FRIGHT, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?!" she wailed tearlessly. I was really tired, and beyond patience at that point. 'Tell them the show's cancelled." said the Grace bluntly. "OH BUT WE CAN'T DO THAT!" they said, looking stricken. I roll my eyes. "Fine, I will." and I did. Anyway, that night, she came over with her little brother (Who put on a little sideshow about what tricks his alligator toy could do while we were waiting for the girls). I told her we were going to work on her dramatic skills. first, I taught her a jazz square. Then, a song. Then she asked me to teach her to get rid of stage fright. This was more of a challenge. I had her perform a monologue as Linus Van Pelt for the family over pizza that night. She still has a little bit of reading trouble, so she stammered a bit, but other than that, it was lovely. I'm so proud. *sob*
Oh yeah, more nightmare fuel...
Monday, August 19, 2013
Guess what Olivia is.........?
A PARTY ANIMAL!!! WOOT WOOT!!! I've been invited to two parties this week. Aw, yeah. Count 'em. Two. TWO. Dos. 2. 1+1. TWOOOOOOO. Awesome. That's the most parties I've been to in like, two years. I feel awesome. Not really. No one invites me to anything any more. I have some friends. But they don't invite me to things. At least not parties. I'm the only one who invites me to things. And I barely even like myself. I'm barely friends with myself. This is pretty much how my friendship works:
Pretty sweet, eh? Anyway....leave a picture of your wheel of friendship in the comments box! If you don't know how, here are the instructions:
Pretty sweet, eh? Anyway....leave a picture of your wheel of friendship in the comments box! If you don't know how, here are the instructions:
- Click on this link:
- Once you're on the website, it has instructions so just follow those until your pie chart is finished and how you want it.
- Highlight the website at the top of the page so it looks something like this:
- Press Ctrl C on your keyboard, then click in the comments box and press Ctrl v on your keyboard. the link should come up, and then you can post your comment!
- Enjoy the satisfaction of successfully sending me a beautiful wheel of friendship.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Hello, People of the blog!!
Hello, People of the blog!! Olivia here. It seems that me and Grace had the same idea today. And that idea is to actually post on the blog instead of just have it. I promise I will try my best to post every day. Don't hate me if some days I forget to post. I am a forgetful person. Also I am a fool. Please forgive me for that.
Anyway, I would just like to point out that Grace's picture of Dr. Who is scary, and will forever haunt me in my dreams. But the shirt is pretty cool. I wish I could see it. I don't really have anything exciting to share except that I got a new LAPTOP!! I bought it with all my own money. I am proud. In fact, I'm blogging on said laptop right now. Pretty exciting stuff. Other than that though I'm a piece of moldy cheese compared to Grace. Sorry to disappoint.
Word of the day: Sea Dragon
Anyway, I would just like to point out that Grace's picture of Dr. Who is scary, and will forever haunt me in my dreams. But the shirt is pretty cool. I wish I could see it. I don't really have anything exciting to share except that I got a new LAPTOP!! I bought it with all my own money. I am proud. In fact, I'm blogging on said laptop right now. Pretty exciting stuff. Other than that though I'm a piece of moldy cheese compared to Grace. Sorry to disappoint.
Word of the day: Sea Dragon
Deep V back tee
Hey guys! So I decided I needed a theme for this blog (It's Grace.) So, I shall try things. Today's try-it:
Well, I don't really have one. Sooo.... Let's do this. I was at my Gramma's for a few weeks, and we did some pretty cool stuff. (Smor'es dip, caramel corn, makin' a shirt.) Today I will share the making of the shirt.
The Inspiration: "I Wannna Make My Own Clothes."
The Project: "Deep V-Back Tee."
Alterations: Add lace to the back, forget the ribbon at the base of the V.
So, I went to the thrift store. Got a dark green shirt. (This isn't it, but it's the style.)
( )
And then I cut off the neck, taking care to go all the way around in a circle instead of just cutting through.
Then, I was supposed to cut a V in the back. So I started to. But I realized after I did the first part of the V, on one side of the shirt... I also cut through the front. I panicked. I decided I would sew it up and put some ribbon criss crossed over the seam with a bow on top. For the next side of the V, I was more cautious.
Now, that was where I was supposed to stop, according to the book. I would add a pin and be done. But no, I said, what's the point of that? I decided to add some lace to the back. So I did. The whole cut out section was now filled with black lace.
Then I had to fix the front. It went exactly as planned.
Unfortunately, I do not have pictures. But it was...
Well, I don't really have one. Sooo.... Let's do this. I was at my Gramma's for a few weeks, and we did some pretty cool stuff. (Smor'es dip, caramel corn, makin' a shirt.) Today I will share the making of the shirt.
The Inspiration: "I Wannna Make My Own Clothes."
The Project: "Deep V-Back Tee."
Alterations: Add lace to the back, forget the ribbon at the base of the V.
So, I went to the thrift store. Got a dark green shirt. (This isn't it, but it's the style.)
( )
And then I cut off the neck, taking care to go all the way around in a circle instead of just cutting through.
Then, I was supposed to cut a V in the back. So I started to. But I realized after I did the first part of the V, on one side of the shirt... I also cut through the front. I panicked. I decided I would sew it up and put some ribbon criss crossed over the seam with a bow on top. For the next side of the V, I was more cautious.
Now, that was where I was supposed to stop, according to the book. I would add a pin and be done. But no, I said, what's the point of that? I decided to add some lace to the back. So I did. The whole cut out section was now filled with black lace.
Then I had to fix the front. It went exactly as planned.
Unfortunately, I do not have pictures. But it was...
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